A Roadmap to Prolonging Your Automotive Battery’s Lifespan

The heartbeat of your vehicle lies in its battery – a small yet mighty powerhouse that ensures a smooth start every time you turn the key. To make the most of your automotive battery’s lifespan and keep your ride running reliably, here’s a comprehensive guide with ten essential tips for maintenance and care.

1. Fluid Check: Keep Hydration in Check

Regularly inspect your battery’s fluid levels and top them up with distilled water if necessary. Proper hydration ensures optimal performance and extends the life of your automotive battery.

2. Clean Connections: Banish Corrosion Blues

Maintain clean battery terminals by concocting a simple mixture of baking soda and water. This DIY solution effectively removes corrosion, promoting efficient energy transfer and preventing electrical issues.

3. Idle Awareness: Minimize Off-Engine Power Consumption

Avoid excessive battery drainage by minimizing the use of power-consuming accessories when the engine is off. Unnecessary strain can lead to premature wear and reduce the overall lifespan of your automotive battery.

4. Lights Out: Prevent Unwanted Battery Drain

Before leaving your vehicle, ensure all lights and electronics are turned off. This simple practice prevents unnecessary battery drain and ensures you return to a vehicle ready to start without hesitation.

5. Shade Seeker: Park Wisely

Shield your battery from extreme temperatures by parking your vehicle in a shaded or covered area whenever possible. Exposure to harsh weather conditions can impact performance and longevity.

6. Charge Keeper: Utilize Battery Maintainers

For extended periods of vehicle inactivity, invest in a battery maintainer or trickle charger. These devices keep your battery charged and healthy, ready to roar to life when you return to the driver’s seat.

7. Jump-Start Wisdom: Opt for Battery Chargers

Instead of frequently jump-starting your vehicle, opt for a battery charger to recharge it fully. Jump-starting can strain the battery, while a charger provides a controlled and gentle replenishment of energy.

8. Visual Check: Inspect for Wear and Tear

Regularly inspect your battery for any signs of damage or leakage. Swift replacement of a compromised battery is key to preventing further issues and ensuring the safety and reliability of your vehicle.

9. Manufacturer’s Orders: Follow Guidelines

Adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for battery maintenance and replacement intervals. They provide valuable insights tailored to your specific automotive battery, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

10. Health Check: Invest in a Battery Tester

Keep tabs on your battery’s health by investing in a battery tester. Regular testing allows you to monitor its condition and take proactive measures if any issues arise.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy automotive battery is a small yet crucial investment in the overall reliability of your vehicle. By incorporating these ten tips into your routine, you can extend your battery’s lifespan, save on potential replacement costs, and ensure your vehicle starts reliably every time you turn the key. Let these practices drive you towards a worry-free and dependable driving experience.

Revolutionizing E-Rickshaws: The Power of Radix Batteries

In the fast-paced world of urban transportation, the rise of electric rickshaws (e-rickshaws) has been a game-changer, providing a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional modes of transport. At the heart of this revolution is the Radix E-rickshaw battery – a reliable and efficient power source that is reshaping the landscape of eco-friendly commuting.

1. Introduction to Radix E-rickshaw Battery

Radix E-rickshaw batteries stand out as a beacon of innovation, offering a dependable power solution for e-rickshaws. These batteries play a pivotal role in promoting environmentally friendly transportation, addressing the pressing need for sustainable mobility solutions. In an era where climate change concerns are paramount, the significance of a reliable battery cannot be overstated.

2. High Performance and Durability

Designed with precision and performance in mind, Radix E-rickshaw batteries excel in delivering high performance and durability. Engineered to withstand the rigors of tough operating conditions, these batteries ensure a smooth and reliable ride for both e-rickshaw drivers and passengers. The robust construction of Radix batteries speaks volumes about their ability to endure the challenges of daily commuting.

3. Advanced Technology

What sets Radix batteries apart is their incorporation of advanced technology. Featuring a deep cycle design and high-quality components, these batteries boast a longer lifespan and improved efficiency. The deep cycle design allows for repeated discharging and recharging cycles, making them ideal for the demanding nature of e-rickshaw operations. The integration of cutting-edge technology ensures that Radix batteries remain at the forefront of energy storage solutions for sustainable transportation.

4. Local Manufacturing in Meerut

An aspect that adds to the credibility of Radix E-rickshaw batteries is their local manufacturing in Meerut. This strategic decision not only ensures proximity to the growing market but also taps into the wealth of local expertise. Meerut’s manufacturing infrastructure plays a crucial role in producing high-quality batteries that meet the specific demands of the e-rickshaw industry.

5. Contribution to the Local Economy

The presence of Radix E-rickshaw battery manufacturers in Meerut goes beyond providing a reliable power source. It actively contributes to the local economy by creating job opportunities and supporting the growth of the e-rickshaw industry. This symbiotic relationship between the manufacturer and the community fosters economic development and strengthens the foundation of sustainable transportation.

6. Reliable After-Sales Service

Choosing a manufacturer in Meerut for Radix E-rickshaw batteries comes with the added benefit of reliable after-sales service. Local service centers ensure prompt maintenance and repairs, minimizing downtime for e-rickshaw operators. The convenience of accessible support adds an extra layer of assurance for those relying on Radix batteries for their daily commute.

7. Commitment to Sustainability

Radix E-rickshaw batteries embody a commitment to sustainability by reducing carbon emissions and decreasing dependence on fossil fuels. The role of Meerut-based manufacturers in promoting eco-friendly transportation solutions is pivotal. Radix not only provides a power source but actively contributes to the larger mission of creating a greener and cleaner environment.

8. Customer Testimonials

The true measure of any product’s success lies in the satisfaction of its users. E-rickshaw owners and drivers who have experienced the benefits of Radix batteries share overwhelmingly positive testimonials. They praise the performance, reliability, and overall satisfaction derived from using Radix E-rickshaw batteries, underscoring their pivotal role in the success of the e-rickshaw industry.

In conclusion, Radix E-rickshaw batteries emerge as a beacon of innovation and reliability in the realm of sustainable transportation. From high performance and durability to advanced technology and local manufacturing, Radix batteries not only power e-rickshaws but also drive the wheels of progress toward a cleaner, greener future. As the e-rickshaw revolution gains momentum, Radix stands firm as a symbol of excellence, shaping the landscape of urban mobility for generations to com

Ensuring the Longevity of Your Inverter Battery: 11 Essential Maintenance Tips

Inverter batteries are the unsung heroes of our modern lives, silently providing us with backup power during those unexpected outages. To make sure these vital energy storage units serve us faithfully for years, proper maintenance is essential.

Here are 11 invaluable maintenance tips to ensure the longevity and performance of your inverter battery.

1. Regular Maintenance: The first rule of maintaining an inverter battery is to keep it clean and free from dust and debris. Regularly wipe the surface with a dry cloth to prevent the accumulation of dirt.

2. Proper Ventilation: Ensure your inverter battery is placed in a well-ventilated area. Adequate airflow around the battery prevents overheating, which can significantly impact its lifespan.

3. Avoid Overcharging: Overcharging is a common mistake that can lead to decreased battery life. Disconnect the battery from the charger as soon as it’s fully charged to avoid unnecessary strain.

4. Avoid Deep Discharge: Deep discharging, or letting your battery drain completely, can reduce its lifespan. Try to maintain a charge and avoid discharging it below 50% whenever possible.

5. Check Water Levels: If your inverter battery is of the flooded lead-acid type, keep an eye on the water levels. Ensure they are within the recommended limits and refill with distilled water when necessary.

6. Keep Terminals Clean: The electrical connections are critical for the battery’s performance. Regularly clean the battery terminals to ensure good electrical connections and reduce the risk of power interruptions.

7. Avoid Overloading: Do not overload your inverter battery by connecting appliances that exceed its capacity. Overloading can strain the battery and result in reduced longevity.

8. Regular Usage: Inverter batteries are meant to be used. Regularly switch on the inverter and use the battery to prevent it from sitting idle for extended periods, which can affect its performance.

9. Protect from Extreme Temperatures: Extreme temperatures can have adverse effects on the battery’s performance. Avoid exposing it to excessive heat or cold, which can lead to reduced efficiency.

10. Use Genuine Accessories: Always use accessories and cables recommended by the manufacturer. Using genuine components ensures compatibility and minimizes the risk of damage.

11. Professional Inspection: Periodically have your inverter battery inspected by a professional. This can help identify and rectify potential issues before they become serious problems, ensuring optimal performance and a longer lifespan.

Proper maintenance of your inverter battery not only extends its life but also ensures that you have a reliable backup power source when you need it most. By following these 11 essential tips, you can keep your inverter battery in peak condition, guaranteeing that it continues to provide you with uninterrupted power, regardless of external circumstances.

In the bustling energy market of Lagos, where reliable power solutions are in high demand, Radix shines as a leading inverter battery exporter. Known for delivering some of the best inverter batteries in Lagos, Radix has earned a reputation for providing top-quality energy storage solutions. Their commitment to excellence, advanced battery technology, and unwavering performance have made them the go-to choice for individuals and businesses seeking dependable backup power solutions in Lagos. As an inverter battery exporter, Radix plays a pivotal role in meeting the energy needs of this dynamic region. Their dedication to delivering high-quality batteries, supported by cutting-edge research and development, positions them as a trusted partner, contributing to the energy reliability and progress of Lagos. With Radix, Lagosians can rest assured that they have a steady and efficient power backup, even in the face of inconsistent electricity supply.

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Inverter Battery Safety Dos and Don’ts

In today’s world, where power outages are common, having an inverter battery is essential to keep our homes running smoothly during such times. However, it’s important to ensure the safety of both ourselves and our homes when using these batteries. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


1. Do choose the right battery: Selecting the right inverter battery is crucial. Consider factors like battery capacity, backup time, and maintenance requirements before making a purchase. Consult with an expert or do thorough research to find the best battery for your needs.

2. Do install the battery in a well-ventilated area: Inverter batteries release gases during the charging process. It’s important to install them in a well-ventilated area to prevent the accumulation of potentially harmful gases. Avoid placing the battery in closed or confined spaces.

3. Do ensure proper ventilation: Adequate ventilation is essential to dissipate heat generated by the battery. Make sure there is enough space around the battery for air circulation. Avoid covering or obstructing the battery with objects that may restrict airflow.

4. Do regularly inspect the battery: Regularly inspect the battery for any signs of damage, leakage, or corrosion. If you notice any issues, contact a professional for assistance. Timely maintenance and inspection can prevent potential hazards.

5. Do keep the battery clean: Clean the battery terminals and connections regularly to ensure good conductivity. Use a clean cloth or brush to remove dust, dirt, and corrosion from the terminals. This helps maintain optimal performance and extends the battery’s lifespan.

6. Do use proper battery cables and connections: Ensure that you use high-quality battery cables and connectors to maintain a secure and reliable connection. Loose or damaged connections can lead to power fluctuations, reduced efficiency, and potential safety hazards.

7. Do have a fire safety plan: In case of any emergency or mishap, it’s essential to have a fire safety plan in place. Educate yourself and your family members about the proper procedures to follow in case of a battery-related fire. Keep fire extinguishers accessible and know how to use them effectively.


1. Don’t overload the battery: Each inverter battery has a specific capacity. Avoid overloading it by connecting too many appliances or devices. Overloading can lead to excessive heat generation, reduced battery life, and even safety hazards. Be mindful of the power requirements of the devices you connect to the inverter.

2. Don’t expose the battery to extreme temperatures: Inverter batteries are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Avoid exposing them to extreme heat or cold as it can affect their performance and lifespan. Optimal operating temperatures are usually mentioned in the battery’s specifications.

3. Don’t mix different types of batteries: Mixing different types or brands of batteries can cause compatibility issues and affect the overall performance and safety

4. Don’t expose the battery to direct sunlight: Avoid placing the battery in direct sunlight as it can lead to excessive heating and damage the battery. Find a shaded area or use a battery cover to protect it from direct exposure to sunlight.

5. Don’t ignore warning signs: If you notice any warning signs such as unusual odors, excessive heat, or unusual noises coming from the battery, take immediate action. Ignoring these signs can lead to further damage or safety hazards. Contact a professional for assistance if needed.

6. Don’t place flammable objects near the battery: Keep flammable objects like paper, cloth, or chemicals away from the battery. In case of a battery malfunction or leakage, these objects can easily catch fire and escalate the situation.

7. Don’t attempt DIY repairs: In case of any issues or damage to the battery, avoid attempting DIY repairs unless you have the necessary knowledge and expertise. Mishandling the battery or attempting repairs without proper guidance can be dangerous. Contact a qualified professional for assistance and repairs.

Using inverter batteries to maintain power during outages is essential, but safety is paramount. Follow these dos and don’ts to ensure a secure setup.

Choosing the right battery, proper ventilation, regular inspections, and cleanliness are key. High-quality cables and a fire safety plan add extra layers of safety. On the flip side, avoid overloading, extreme temperatures, mixing batteries, and ignoring warning signs.
Consider Radix Batteries, a battery exporter and supplier to Dubai. They offer reliable and safe inverter batteries, ensuring efficiency and safety in power backup systems. Trust Radix Batteries for top-quality solutions.

How to Identify the Best Solar Battery Manufacturer in India?

The easy accessibility prompted by leading Solar Battery Manufacturers made it possible for individual households to take advantage of solar power. In today’s time, you do not have to have a big budget or large-scale requirement to install solar power.

Over the past few years, solar technology has made a significant leap forward, turning it into a highly lucrative and viable source of renewable energy and opening the door to a brighter, cleaner future. It is remarkable to see how the business has consistently pushed the frontiers of innovation, and solar power has grown more efficient, dependable, and accessible than ever before as a result of the rapid advancement in technology.

solar battery manufacturer in India

Solar Energy: Powering your home uninterruptedly

It is simply amazing how far solar efficiency and energy storage have come. The development of the residential solar system has enabled households to benefit from solar technology. If you choose a leading Solar Battery Manufacturer efficiency and affordability both come hand in hand. Thus, the shift only depends on your choice to lower energy expenses and carbon footprints.

How to Choose the Best Solar Battery Manufacturer in India

To identify the Best Solar Battery Manufacturer in India, it is recommended to look out for the following factors before purchasing:

  • Location: Whether the Solar Battery Manufacturer has a store/outlet or service point near your location is important. If you need to reach out, nearer is better. 
  • Effective customer care service: Assistance may be required both before and after purchase, so, make sure the brand you choose has provisions for providing timely and expert solutions and guidance. 
  • Client reviews and ratings: Reviews and ratings are the best way to find out about any product and service. There are a few leading Solar Battery Manufacturers in India with outlets in most of the states. The popularity of a manufacturer is definitely supported by the quality of its product as experienced by the users. 
  • Warranty assurance: Warranty in the paper is always preferred over oral assurances. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of the warranty provision of your battery product. 
  • Maintenance service: Though maintenance or repair needs are 

rare when you buy from a trusted Solar Battery Manufacturer, it would not hurt to have the option from your supplier/manufacturer. Radix is one of the most trusted and best-selling Solar Battery Manufacturers in India. The brand offers reliable battery products with exceptional longevity. The in-house research and development wing of Radix ensures that only the perfectly blended raw materials and the best technology are used in the manufacturing process.

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Tips for maintaining and prolonging the lifespan of E-rickshaw batteries

How to Maintain Your Electric Rickshaw Battery

1. Proper Charging: Charge the battery regularly using the recommended charger and avoid overcharging or undercharging. This helps maintain the battery’s capacity and prevents premature aging.

2. Temperature Control: Keep the battery within the optimal temperature range, typically between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Extreme temperatures can degrade the battery’s performance and lifespan.

3. Regular Inspections: Check the battery for any signs of damage, such as bulging or leakage. Clean the terminals and connections periodically to ensure good electrical conductivity.

4. Avoid Deep Discharge: Try to avoid completely draining the battery before recharging. Deep discharges can strain the battery and reduce its overall capacity over time. Aim for partial charges instead.

5. Balanced Usage: Distribute the load evenly across all the batteries in the E-rickshaw, if applicable. This helps prevent overloading and ensures that each battery is utilized optimally.

6. Proper Storage: If the E-rickshaw will be inactive for an extended period, store the battery in a cool and dry place. It’s recommended to keep the battery at around 50% charge during storage to maintain its health.

7. Avoid Overloading: Adhere to the weight capacity guidelines of the E-rickshaw to prevent excessive strain on the batteries. Overloading can lead to reduced battery performance and a shorter lifespan.

8. Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance checks with a qualified technician to ensure the battery is in good condition. We can perform tests, clean the battery, and identify any potential issues early on.

Remember, following these tips can help maximize the lifespan of your E-rickshaw batteries and ensure their optimal performance.

To conclude, taking proper care of E-rickshaw batteries is essential for their longevity and optimal performance. By following the tips mentioned earlier, such as proper charging, temperature control, regular inspections, and balanced usage, you can ensure that your batteries last longer and provide reliable power for your E-rickshaw.

Speaking of battery manufacturers, Radix is a renowned company that specializes in manufacturing high-quality inverter batteries and E-rickshaw batteries in India. We have a strong presence in Meerut and are known for their reliable and durable battery products. If you’re looking for a reputable battery manufacturer for your E-rickshaw or inverter needs, Radix is worth considering.

Remember, choosing a reliable battery manufacturer like Radix can make a significant difference in the performance and lifespan of your batteries. So, when it comes to finding the right battery for your needs, Radix is a trusted name in the industry and a reliable inverter battery manufacturer in Meerut.

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Commercial Applications of Solar Batteries: Making business profitable

As the world is increasingly moving towards sustainable energy solutions, businesses are discovering the significant advantages of incorporating solar batteries into their operations. Choosing solar power brings a lot of benefits to the business owners. The solar batteries, which store excess energy generated by solar panels for later use, can be used to offer a wide range of benefits for commercial entities. In this article, we will understand how businesses can benefit from the commercial applications of solar batteries.

Commercial Applications of Solar Batteries

1. Cost reduction:

One of the primary benefits that solar power offers businesses is the significant cost reduction. By storing excess solar energy during the day generated by the solar panels and by using it during peak demand or at night, companies can save a lot on energy bills. This helps them to reduce their reliance on grid electricity which turns out to be expensive for them . This way companies can make substantial long-term savings.

2. Energy independence

Solar power empowers businesses with energy independence. During power outages or grid failures, these batteries can automatically step in, thus ensuring uninterrupted operations. This is especially critical for companies that cannot suffer due to power cuts and downtime proves extremely costly for them for eg data centers, clinics etc.

3. Demand charge reduction 

Many businesses have to face demand charges from utility providers based on their peak power usage. By utilizing solar energy, the peak power usage can be reduced, lowering associated costs.

4. Feeding the grid

When the businesses generate excess energy, this can be fed back into the grid which can be translated into credit benefits. This way additional revenue streams can be provided to the businesses. 

5. Environmental responsibility 

Choosing solar power is choosing a greener future. When companies switch to solar energy, they are moving towards sustainability. This way the company’s brand image and reputation is also enhanced. 

6. Scalability 

Solar battery systems or PV systems are highly scalable, that is if a business has employed a PV system offering a certain amount of power, it can be increased to meet the specific energy needs whether they are small retailers or large manufacturing plants. 

7. Tax benefits 

Many governments offer tax credits, rebates, and incentives to businesses that invest in renewable energy systems. These incentives help to offset the initial investment costs.

8. A wise investment for long term

Investing in solar batteries might not show immediate savings. They help you to reap benefits in the long term. Switching to solar energy helps businesses to secure a steady financial condition. 


For a business, commercial applications of solar batteries are diverse and they offer them cost savings, and sustainability.  Integrating solar batteries into commercial operations is a smart investment that a business can choose to opt for a sustainable and profitable future

Radix is a reputable solar battery manufacturer in India that offers dependable solar batteries. Our batteries come with longer backup, long life and low maintenance. Choose Radix solar batteries and make your business shine.

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Harnessing Solar Power: Radix’s Leading Role in India’s Energy Revolution

In an era marked by escalating environmental concerns and the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions, solar power has emerged as a beacon of hope. As the world grapples with the challenges posed by climate change, countries like India are turning to solar energy as a key player in the quest for cleaner and greener power sources. At the forefront of this renewable revolution stands Radix, leading the way as a renowned solar battery manufacturer in India, driving the nation’s transition towards eco-friendly power generation and storage.

Explaining Solar Power & Its Need Today:

Solar power, harnessed from the radiant energy of the Sun, is a renewable and abundant resource that holds immense potential to transform the global energy landscape. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is clean, sustainable and does not contribute to harmful greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution. As the demand for electricity continues to rise, the need for renewable energy sources becomes increasingly critical. Solar power has the ability to provide a substantial portion of this demand, thereby reducing the reliance on finite fossil fuel reserves and mitigating the environmental impact of conventional power generation methods.

So, where does India stand?

India, with its vast geographical expanse and abundant sunlight, is uniquely poised to capitalize on solar energy. The Indian government’s ambitious renewable energy targets and initiatives have propelled the country into the ranks of the world’s top solar energy producers. In recent years, solar installations have witnessed exponential growth, transforming both rural and urban landscapes with solar panels adorning rooftops and vast solar farms stretching across the horizon. This solar surge aligns with Radix’s vision to foster sustainable development by offering cutting-edge solar battery solutions.

So, now we know about solar energy, its need today and India’s stand on it. Now, let’s discuss few more important questions arising like:

-Can Solar Power Replace Fossil Fuels?

While solar power is undoubtedly a crucial component of the renewable energy mix, the question remains whether it can entirely replace fossil fuels. While solar energy has the potential to significantly reduce dependence on coal, oil and natural gas, a complete transition would require a comprehensive approach that integrates various renewable sources and energy storage technologies. Radix’s role as a premier solar battery manufacturer in India addresses this challenge by providing efficient energy storage solutions that bridge the gap between energy production and consumption.

-Is Solar Energy Enough to Power the Whole Home?

The feasibility of powering an entire home with solar energy depends on factors such as energy consumption, available sunlight and the efficiency of solar panels. While solar power can certainly meet a substantial portion of residential energy needs, a combination of solar energy and storage solutions, like those offered by Radix, ensures a consistent power supply, even during cloudy days or nighttime. These solar battery solutions enable homeowners to store excess energy generated during sunny periods and utilize it when required, enhancing energy self-sufficiency.

-Can Solar Power Be Stored for Later Use?

Energy storage is a pivotal aspect of maximizing the benefits of solar power. Solar battery systems allow surplus energy generated during peak sunlight hours to be stored and utilized during periods of low or no sunlight. Radix’s state-of-the-art solar batteries provide an efficient means of storing excess energy, enhancing grid stability and enabling a more seamless integration of solar power into the existing energy infrastructure. This technological advancement contributes significantly to India’s vision of a sustainable energy future.

In conclusion, Radix leads India’s renewable revolution by manufacturing solar batteries. Solar power, a clean and abundant energy source, is crucial for reducing fossil fuel reliance. While solar energy can’t replace fossil fuels entirely, it’s a key part of the mix. Radix’s batteries bridge energy gaps. Solar can power homes but needs storage for consistency. Radix’s advanced batteries store surplus energy for cloudy periods. This innovation supports India’s sustainable energy goals.

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Powering Progress: India’s Thriving Battery Export Industry


India has emerged as one of the prominent players in the global battery export market, with a notable contribution from Radix, a leading battery manufacturer and supplier in India. Radix has been supplying high quality inverter batteries to various countries and Nigeria is also one country where the exports have grown over the years. Radix is playing a crucial role in providing power solutions to Nigeria, which greatly values uninterrupted electricity. In this blog we will focus on the thriving battery export industry in India, with the spotlight on Radix’s contributions, and the significance of inverter batteries in Nigeria.

Radix: Empowering Nigeria with Reliable Inverter Batteries

Radix has created ripples across the globe with its high quality inverter batteries known for high backup, low maintenance and smooth performance. Nigeria, with its growing demand for energy storage solutions, has become a strategic destination for Radix’s battery exports. In Nigeria, where frequent power outages are a harsh reality, inverter batteries hold immense importance. These batteries act as an essential backup power source, and ensure power supply to homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure during blackouts.

Our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainable practices have positioned us as a preferred choice for inverter batteries in Nigeria. We design our products to withstand the challenges of extreme weather conditions and maximize efficiency and lifespan. By supplying reliable inverter batteries to Nigeria, Radix empowers communities and businesses, fostering economic growth and social development in the region.

India’s Rise in the Global Battery Export Market

India has risen in the global battery export industry due to several key factors. India has a robust manufacturing sector, which is very well supported by a skilled workforce and a vast network of suppliers and this inturn is coupled with competitive production costs. These factors enable the battery manufacturers in India to offer high-quality products at competitive prices in the international market.

The Indian government takes up initiatives to promote exports and attract foreign investments that have further propelled the growth of the battery export industry. The favorable policies, tax incentives, and streamlined export procedures make it easier for companies like Radix to access global markets and establish themselves as reliable exporters.

One more reason that carves India’s success in the battery export industry is its focus on research and development (R&D). Battery manufacturers in India, including Radix, have invested in cutting-edge technologies ensuring that their products meet international quality standards.

Radix Inverter Batteries: Transforming Lives in Nigeria

In Nigeria, electricity supply is very unpredictable, inverter batteries have become a lifeline for households, businesses, and critical infrastructure. The batteries store electrical energy when the power supply is available and release it when the mains are down, providing a seamless transition to backup power.

Inverter batteries are more than just a source of light during power outages for homes. Besides offering comfort, they enable us to power essential appliances like lights, fans, refrigerators, and communication devices, ensuring their safety and well-being. In businesses, inverter batteries play a pivotal role in maintaining operations, preventing data loss, and safeguarding electronic equipment from damage.

Healthcare, education, and emergency services sectors require uninterrupted power supply for the delivery of essential services. Inverter batteries help ensure that hospitals, schools and emergency responders can perform their duties even during electricity disruptions.

The Way Forward: Sustainable Growth and Partnership

As India’s battery export industry continues to thrive, sustainable growth and responsible practices remain key priorities. By adopting greener technologies and exploring recycling initiatives, Radix aims to contribute positively to global environmental goals.

Mutual growth and development can be achieved with association & partnerships between the battery manufacturers, and countries like Nigeria. These partnerships not only address the energy needs of the importing countries but also create avenues for knowledge transfer and technology exchange.

In India’s battery export industry, Radix has been instrumental in providing power solutions to countries like Nigeria. Our inverter batteries have transformed lives and businesses, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during blackouts. India’s rise in the global market can be attributed to its manufacturing prowess, favorable policies, and focus on research and development. As the industry looks towards the future, sustainable growth and meaningful partnerships will be crucial in meeting the world’s energy demands.

5 Tips for E-Rickshaw Battery to Maximize Efficiency & Lifestyle

As the demand for eco-friendly transportation solutions surges, electric rickshaws or e-rickshaws have emerged as a popular choice in India. These vehicles offer a sustainable alternative to conventional rickshaws and contribute to reducing carbon emissions. But as you know an e-rickshaw battery being the most important part, acts as its heart and it needs to be taken care of. So, here are some important tips to maximize your e-rickshaw battery’s efficiency & lifespan.

1. Regular Maintenance for Optimal Performance:

Regular maintenance is the essence of a long-lasting e-rickshaw battery. Make it a habit to conduct routine checks and upkeep, including:


Keep the battery and its terminals clean and free from debris, dust, or corrosion. A simple wipe with a dry cloth can prevent unwanted buildup.

-Visual Inspection: 

Regularly inspect the battery for physical damages, leaks, or loose connections. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

-Water Levels: 

Maintain the appropriate water levels by checking and replenishing distilled water as needed, without overfilling.

2. Adhere to Proper Charging Practices:

Charging your e-rickshaw battery correctly is vital to its health and longevity, make sure you take care to:

-Avoid Overcharging: 

Overcharging can lead to battery damage and reduced capacity. Opt for smart chargers equipped with automatic cutoff mechanisms to prevent overcharging.

-Timely Charging: 

Charge your e-rickshaw regularly and avoid fully depleting the battery before recharging. Aim for charging levels between 20% and 80% for optimal battery life.

-Temperature Considerations: 

Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can negatively impact battery performance. Provide sheltered charging stations to shield the batteries from harsh weather conditions.

3. Opt Efficient Usage Habits:

Your driving habits directly influence the battery’s lifespan. Opt for these efficient usage habits:

-Smooth Acceleration: 

Practice smooth acceleration and avoid sudden starts or stops to reduce stress on the battery and enhance its longevity.

-Balanced Load Distribution: 

Distribute passengers and goods evenly within the e-rickshaw to maintain proper weight distribution, preventing unnecessary strain on the battery during rides.

-Avoid Overloading: 

Always adhere to the recommended weight capacity of the vehicle to prevent overloading, which can accelerate battery wear.

4. Opt for Quality Batteries:

Invest in a high-quality e-rickshaw battery for long-term performance. At Radix, we take pride in producing reliable and efficient batteries tailored for e-rickshaw applications. Choosing a reputable battery manufacturer ensures that you get the best value for your investment and a battery that endures the test of time.

5. Educate and Train Drivers

Equip your e-rickshaw drivers with the knowledge to maximize battery life. Organize training sessions to educate them about efficient driving techniques, the importance of regular maintenance, and the significance of proper charging practices. A well-informed driver will be instrumental in ensuring the longevity of your e-rickshaw battery.

Make sure you follow these 5 crucial tips: regular maintenance for optimal performance, adhere to proper charging practices, adopt efficient usage habits, invest in quality batteries, and educate drivers. Together, embrace greener transportation solutions for a sustainable future. Radix is a leading E-Rickshaw battery company in UP, India offering high-quality batteries that offer high performance. 

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